EPC Data explorer showcased by Jisc

We’re pleased to share that the EPC’s new member-only Data explorer has been selected by Jisc to feature on their site. Jisc shares member stories to showcase innovative use of their data services and were impressed with the dynamic provision of data to our members.

Matt Clarke, Content insight manager at Jisc said:

“We’re always looking to support and showcase innovative uses of our products and services. The work that the EPC is doing to inform the future of Engineering in Higher Education using data will be of significant benefit to the sector and we look forward to continuing to support it through our Heidi Plus platform”.

See the article: The Engineering Professors’ Council: Using data to inform and shape the future of engineering

The Data explorer is free to members and offers a wealth of sector data, at your finger tips. Easy to browse, personalise, and download, this is one the perks of EPC membership.

For those already exploring the service, UCAS has now released its latest end of cycle data and this will be incorporated into the Data explorer in the coming weeks, finalising the Applications and admissions series (until the next update). The HESA student data in the Data Explorer has already been finalised. Why not take a look around?


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