Conference Report: New Approaches to Engineering in HE

On 22nd May 2017, in association with the IET, the EPC held a landmark conference at the Institution of Engineering and Technology in London to lay out a bold new vision of how UK universities can better serve students, industry, the country and the whole world.

The task was to confront major challenges facing the world of engineering education: inadequate recruitment into universities; national skills shortages; insufficient diversity; and employers who do not recognise graduates as industry-ready.

Chaired by Prof John Perkins, former BIS Chief Scientific Adviser and author of the 2013 BIS Review of Engineering Skills, the programme featured keynotes from:

  • Professor Jeremy Watson, President of IET
  • Professor Rick Miller, President of Olin College, USA
  • Professor Janusz Kozinski, Founding Dean of the Lassonde School of Engineering , York University, Canada and soon to be inaugural President of NMiTE

The programme also featured presentations from leading innovators in teaching engineering as well as posters from experienced and early career academics.


We have published a book of the conference proceedings, with papers from all of the speakers and poster presenters are available for you to download as a PDF.

The book is also available in print.


The Conference attracted considerable Twitter traffic on the hashtag #NewApproachesHE and some press coverage, such as this article from PoliticsHome.


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