Earlier this month, OfQual launched one of a series of consultations on AS and A level reform – specifically on maths, further maths and design and technology.
This consultation is about the rules and guidance needed for the new AS and A levels in mathematics and further mathematics. These rules apply to qualifications in these subjects that will first be taught from September 2017.
This consultation also includes two proposed new appendices to the subject content – covering mathematical notation and formulae which students will be expected to know. Since these appendices relate to the subject content, they have been produced by the Department for Education (DfE), in conjunction with the A Level Content Advisory Board (ALCAB). OfQual are consulting on these on behalf of DfE and have been combined with this consultation so stakeholders need only to respond to one consultation.
The proposals reflect the DfE’s subject content for new AS and A level mathematics and further mathematics, which was developed by ALCAB with the aim of changing how these subjects are taught and assessed.
Colleagues are requested to post their views and comments here in order that a draft response can be collated and submitted by the deadline of 11 January, 2016.
The full consultation document is available here