Access and Admissions Forum series 2023

Take a look at our latest not-to-be missed event series – not just for admissions tutors!

With the biggest HE access change in decades afoot in the form of the Lifelong Learning entitlement – to be introduced for the 2025-26 academic year – and T level students now setting their sights on HE, there has never been a better time to engage in the Engineering Academic Network’s annual event for all involved with access and admissions.

In response to member feedback the EPC is hosting two free-to-member pre-event webinars to introduce the key topics this year. For information, come along to our webinars. For interaction, networking and deep dive discussion, join us live at at City University, London on Tuesday 12th December. For the most benefit, attend all three sessions; we’re sure the webinars will whet your appetite for the main event but if you book by 19th November, the in-person Forum itself is also free to attend.

If you want more information on the LLE from the horses mouth, you’ll want to attend our EAN webinar on 22nd November where we will hear from the Department for Education’s leads on LLE (Rob Dennis) and T levels (Georgia Scoot-Morrissey) in preparation for a fully interactive delegate workshop on these important pathways at the live Forum on 12th December. The main event will include a panel talk featuring Dr Marius Ostrowski, Director of the Lifelong Education Institute and Dr Mariam Makramalla, on the suitability of T level maths for entry to engineering higher education (a special EPC project). Chaired by Prof Chris Atkin.

Our second Engineering Academics Network webinar on 29th November welcomes John Blake, Director of Fair Access and Participation at the OfS, to informally discuss equality of opportunity in higher education. We will touch on topics including the intersection between access risks that an engineering department faces with the risks identified in the Equality of Opportunity Risk Register; and how the work at school and department level feeds into this. What of engineering’s access activities on behalf of the discipline itself in a system where many level 3 students will have had no exposure to engineering in school? This webinar is a precursor to the Forum on 6th which welcomes Julie Feest, Chief Executive of the Engineering Development Trust (EDT) and others to speak about access and participation. Your chance to workshop will hone in on the engineering lens; is there a higher requirement for contextualisation in engineering? Does the outreach conducted by your engineering department make it into your university’s Access and Participation plans?

The Access and Admissions Forum series is suitable for staff at all levels in engineering departments who share the responsibility for fair access and admissions. Other engineering staff with an interest in professional development, lifelong learning, suitability of T level maths for engineering, and the equality of opportunity risk register are also welcome.

The webinars are free to members. Non-members should book a place at the in-person forum in London on 12th December to reserve a place on either webinar. For more information on early booking on the live Forum, see here.

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