7 research areas marked by EPSRC for growth…

epsrc logoIn case you’ve missed them….the EPSRC has identified 7 areas of engineering research for strategc focus and growth.  For more, go to EPSRC research

Electrical motors and drives / electromagnetics (design and manufacture of electromechanical systems with associated drives and controls, also electromagnetism and electromagnetic interactions in engineering materials and devices, including electromagnetic compatibility).

Microsystems (underpinning microengineering research aimed at developing a diverse range of novel miniaturised micro-structured devices).

Photonic materials and metamaterials (synthesis, characterisation and theoretical understanding of photonic materials in other words materials which can mould the flow of light under certain conditions).

Radio frequency and microwave devices (synthesis, characterisation and theoretical understanding of photonic materials in other words materials which can mould the flow of light under certain conditions).

Synthetic biology (Application of engineering tools and principles to the design and manufacture of biologically based parts, devices and systems that do not exist in the natural world, and redesign of existing biological systems)

Water engineering (Design and optimisation of technologies relating to water resource management, treatment and distribution systems. Engineering research pertaining to management / treatment of waste water and sewerage, including drainage systems).

Whole energy systems (socio technoeconomic analysis of the whole UK energy system from supply of fuels for generation of energy through to end use of energy).

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