Guest blog: Neurodiversity week reflections

I recently completed a PG Cert in Neurodiversity during my downtime. I studied the basics of neurodiversity and delved deeply into barriers and enablers in schools and the workplace. I learned about conditions I had never heard of before, such as Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, focused on lived experience, and sought to understand how those of us who experience the world differently can move from surviving to thriving.

Neurological difference can often start with negative experiences relating to stigma and shame, so understanding the impacts of a medical model of disability and the power of a social approach resonated throughout my studies. The empowerment afforded by environmental adjustments (preferably at the outset) coupled with a flipped narrative of strengths cannot be underestimated. Talking skills instead of shortcomings enables us to value technical advantages such as hyper-focus, multitasking, logical thinking, pattern identification, problem solving, creativity and resilience – to name but a few. Many will recognise these super-strengths, and others, in ourselves and our Engineering colleagues and students.

My learning galvanised my passion to make a difference (at home, in my volunteering in schools and in the workplace) and informs the EPC work in this space. Starting with awareness raising, I was thrilled to be able to invite Amanda Kirby – one of the leading experts in this field – to the EPC Congress in Cardiff last year to discuss harnessing neurodiverse talent.  Amanda talked to us about the challenges neurodivergent learners may deal with in universities, dealing with complex bureaucratic processes, procrastinating, meeting deadlines, reading vast amount of material, communicating ideas verbally and/or in writing and dealing with emotions amongst others.

Webinars and action-set in-person workshops have followed, and we are now leading with the development of a neuro-inclusion maturity model for HE Engineering. To support this work, EPC neurodiversity champions are accelerating the neuro-inclusion movement through a focus on language, lived experience, assessment and the identification of existing resources. If you would like to contribute to this important work, or just to hear more, do come along to our next meet-up on 28th March.

I am also driven to better understand the scale of strength neurodiversity brings to the Engineering HE environment through both staff and student disclosure. Some estimations of the prevalence of neurodivergence in HE engineering suggest phenomenal multipliers of the 15-20% in the general population. I’m evidence driven by nature and would love nothing more than a clear understanding of (non) disclosure rates in our departments as a basis for highlighting blind spots, developing strengths and minimising challenges. As it is so important to acknowledge that every student or member of staff has a different profile and will need different types of support, there are opportunities to couple this exercise with the provision tools for better support and agency. It’s an ambitious plan and I invite you to join me on the journey.

Meanwhile, happy Neurodiversity week! Check out the events available for free this week.

Stella Fowler is the EPC Policy and Research Director, an EDI school governor of many years, and chair of the Wiltshire Governance Network. Stella is thrilled to have been awarded a PG Certificate in Neurodiversity @ distinction.

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