Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Prior to the 2024 Forum, had you previously attended the Access and Admissions Forum? Yes, in person onlyYes, online onlyYes, both in person and onlineNoDon't knowHow would you rate your overall experience at the forum?Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5On a scale of 1 to 5, did the Forum experience match your expectations?1 - No2 - Patchy3 - Generally4 - Mostly5 - TotallyWhy did you give us this score?How could we, in future, more closely match your needs and interests?How would you rate the quality and engagement of the speakers/presenters?1 - Poor2 - Fair3 - Good4 - Very Good5 - ExcellentIf you would like to feedback on a particular session or sessions, please do so here:How was the Forum organisation (venue, registration, information etc)?Rate 1 out of 5Rate 2 out of 5Rate 3 out of 5Rate 4 out of 5Rate 5 out of 5If you would like to feedback on any specific logistical aspect, please use the space below:What else would improve future Forums?Would you attend or recommend to a colleague in the future?YesNoWe would like to increase engagement with the Forum. We'd love it if you would provide a brief summary of what the Forum had to offer you in particular and what you have taken from it. Thank you.Please don't click back on "no" because we asked for more information! You can leave this field blank if you prefer.Would you support any of the following options for future Forums (tick all that apply)?Locations around the UKLondon venue onlyLater startEarlier finishTwo-day eventEvening only eventOtherAny other suggestions or comments?Finally, please describe your involvement in access and admissions:I am responsible for access and admissionsAccess and admissions is a large part of my roleAccess and admissions is a small part of my roleOther people in my institution are responsible for access and admissions Something else (please summarise below).Please outline breifly.Submit