Three ways to influence REF 2029

While the assessment itself is still some way in the future, there are three things you can do now to influence the 2029 exercise.

1. Apply to be REF Panel Chair

The way REF appoint panels is changing. The EPC is offering to provide a letter of support to suitable candidates for the REF Panel Chair (Panel B). The intention is to encourage applicants from underrepresented groups to put themselves forward and to ensure they are considered on an equal footing. If you qualify for REF Panel Chair (Panel B) and would like the EPC to consider supporting your application, please complete the form below by Friday 13th September. We will be in touch by Friday 20th September.

2. Consider making a REF panel application

The REF team has reshaped the Advisory Panels for REF 2029. They will have a People and Diversity Advisory Panel and a Research Diversity Advisory Panel. The recruitment process for these is well underway and membership will be announced in early October. The process for full expert panel membership will follow later in the year with a focus on the diversity of expert panels. The EPC is likely to offer a similar process to the REF Panel Chair outlined above to provide letters of support.

3. Feedback on the People, Culture an Environment indicators

Complete the REF People, Culture and Environment survey by 13th September. This is a newly expanded element of the exercise, and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have already been appointed pilot these indicators over the coming months. If you are involved in the pilot we would love to hear from you.

The EPC Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Committee has already written to the REF Director offering reflections on the survey.

Apply for REF Panel Chair

The EPC is offering to provide a letter of support to suitable candidates for REF Panel Chair (Panel B).

The intention is to support applicants from underrepresented groups to put themselves forward and to be considered on an equal footing.

That means that we are looking to support only a small number of individuals representing a diversity of institutions, disciplines and individual characteristics.

To be supported by the EPC, candidates must meet the specific REF panel criteria (which can be found on the REF website here ) and be able to demonstrate that you would enjoy the confidence of the engineering academic community.

We will consider applications not only on the basis of merit, but also with the aim of achieving a diverse balance of individuals receiving EPC support. Please therefore do not be offended if the EPC does not offer to support you. We would encourage all suitably qualified EPC members to apply and some may be in less need than others of the boost that EPC support might provide.

Please complete this form by Friday 13th September. We will be in touch by Friday 20th September.

Please select one
Please approximate as closely as you can
Please approximate as closely as you can
Select all that apply. NB: The answer options are drawn from the HESA cost centre categories.
Select all that apply. NB: The answer options are drawn from the HESA disability categories.
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