Engineering Ethics Toolkit: Submit a blog post

Use this form to submit a blog about the EPC’s Engineering Ethics Toolkit.

You can see examples of the blogs we publish here.


For example Sarah Jayne Hitt, Ph.D. SFHEA (NMITE, Edinburgh Napier University) or Professor Sarah Hitt (NMITE)
This will be added to our Contributors page at
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
This will be added to our Contributors page at alongside your bio.
We might change the title of your blog for marketing purposes.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 20 files.
We need these to be uploaded separately, as we will be embedding them in a web page. Please ensure that they are of adequate resolution and size; that you have permission to use them; and that you have added any permissions, sources, credits or other details for them in the body of the document that you are submitting.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please do a final check before uploading!
If you are unsure, please check permissions and rights before submitting.
For more details, please see:
The EPC will engage in an editorial process, and we are happy to suggest and discuss changes. We will give you the opportunity to approve the final version of this resource prior to publication.
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