Call for participation: Innovative and inclusive assessments

The Association for Learning Technology launched a working party on Innovative and Inclusive assessments earlier in March and has onboard passionate staff from 29 institutions.

The work party’s main goal is to promote changes to assessment design within a member’s own institutions to make assessment more Just, Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive (JEDI).

Assessment change in the current climate cannot be mentioned without mentioning the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).


So, if you think you have something to share on JEDI assessment design changes you have led or you have used AI tools as copilots in JEDI assessment design, then, the ALT south team and the working party on Innovative and Inclusive Assessments would like to hear from you on 4th May 2023, kindly complete the form and the ALT south team will schedule your talk for their May the 4th event.


The sessions on 4th May (12, 1 and 2pm) will be available for anyone to join and the links will be sent out in due course, please save the date in your calendars if you are interested in attending.
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