New Approaches in Practice


As part of the EPC’s New Approaches to Engineering Higher Education initiative, run jointly with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), we will be holding a conference on 18 November 2019 at IET London: Savoy Place.

We will be showcasing changes that have been made to engineering courses since our first conference, a landmark in innovative learning and teaching, two years ago.

The Conference will feature case studies of universities that exemplify innovation in ‘the six facets’ outlined by previous work in the New Approaches initiative:

  • Incorporating creativity into engineering
  • Broadening student diversity
  • Project work
  • Industry engagement in design and delivery
  • Workplace experience for students
  • Interdisciplinarity

We are delighted that the programme will feature the stories of 17 different new approaches, all of which have a track record from which other institutions can learn as they share their experience of developing and instigating change.

This is an unmissable event for all teaching staff in engineering, for department heads, and for anyone with an interest in pedagogy and the student learning experience.

The programme can be viewed here.

The Twitter hashtag for the event is #NewApproaches.

Further information
Further information on the New Approaches initiative to date can be found on the EPC website.
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